miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Ciencias Naturales con 3ºB

Ciencias Naturales con 3ºB

Over this year, I had half an hour each week with 3ºB where we have done various activities, for example:

1) Create a radio advertisement to promote healthy habits

Un anuncio de radio para promover hábitos saludables

In groups of 4/5 the students first created an advert or short radio programme to promote healthy habits in Spanish. They then translated this into English and recorded their programmes. There were different topics such as giving up smoking, eating healthily, stop drinking and do more exercise. We then spent a class listening to the programmes and advertisement. At the end of this activity all the students voted to choose the best one!  

2) Food diary and food plate

Un diario alimenticio

Following on from the topic of healthy habits we moved onto healthy eating. As homework, the students had to create a food diary and also using magazine cut outs, create a food plate. They made both their typical food plate and a one demonstrating a traditional Mediterranean diet. 

3) Characteristics of a Mediterranean diet

Las características de una dieta mediterránea 

The students then compared their diet to the traditional Mediterranean diet. We used a website to review the characteristics of a Mediterranean diet.

4) Questions and Answers

Preguntas y respuestas

Students had to form questions about the heart and the circulatory system to practise forming and answering questions. They used their textbooks to form questions in pairs and then asked their questions to other pairs.

5) Blood donation campaign poster

Una campaña publicitaria para la donación de sangre 

Whilst studying the circulatory system the students created a blood donation campaign poster. We looked at examples from UK ‘Give Blood’ campaigns.

6) True or False 

Verdadero o falso 

The students created 3 statements about Urinary System (some true, some false) they then read the statements and their classmates decided if they were true or false. 

7) 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' Reproduction Quiz

¿Quién quiere ser millonario?

In our last class of the year we had a 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' style quiz. It was multiple choice and the class worked together to answer the questions.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Los adjetivos de personalidad con 3°ESO/4°ESO


Los adjetivos de personalidad

To begin the lesson, I listed on the whiteboard several adjectives to describe personality:

  • kind = amable
  •  unkind = antipático/a
  •  generous = generoso/a
  •  stubborn = terco/a
  •  mean = antipático/a
  •  hardworking = trabajador
  •  easy-going = fácil de tartar
  • sensible = sensato/a
  • sensitive = sensible
  •  polite = educado/a
  • impolite = maleducado/a
  • rude = grosero/a o irrespetuoso/a
  • selfish = egoísta

After we played a game. The students had to write 3 sentences about their personalities.

Después, jugamos un juego. Los estudiantes tienen que escribir 3 frases sobre sus personalidades.

For example:
Por ejemplo:

1) I am stubborn
2) I am generous
3) I am funny

They then folded the paper and put it into a folder. The students then took turns to take a piece of paper from the folder. They had to read it aloud to the class then guess which of their classmates wrote it. Once they guessed correctly the person who it belonged to took their turn. 

Luego los estudiantes tienen que doblar el papel y ponerlo en una carpeta. Los estudiantes tienen que tomar turnos para tomar un pedazo de papel de la carpeta. Tienen que leerlo en voz alta a la clase y luego adivinar cuál de sus compañeros de clase lo escribió. 

Practising the conditional with 3rd and 4th grade

Practising the conditional with 3rd/4th grade:

Para practicar el condicional con 3° ESO and 4° ESO:

Board Game- Using an online dice roller, students roll the dice and then answer the question, once they have finished answering they choose the next person to go.
Un juego de mesa- los estudiantes tienen que tirar dos dados y luego responder a la pregunta. http://www.virtualdiceroll.com/ 

I also created this worksheet to practise the future and conditional tenses:
Una ficha para practicar los tiempos verbales: el futuro y el condicional

Revision of future and conditional tenses:

On a piece of paper write down 3 ambitions for the future. Use a conditional or future tense.
For example:
I will be the president of Spain.
I will run a marathon.
I would like to marry a prince.

Fold the paper and place in my folder. Then pick one and read it aloud, you have to guess who wrote it.

In pairs: predict what your partner will be doing in 10 years’ time.

First conditional practise
As soon as this class finishes, …….
When I next see my mother, …….
If I fail my exam, ……
When I next have a holiday, ……
Until my English is fluent, ……
If I feel tired this evening, ……
Unless it rains, ……

For example:
As soon as this class finishes, I will go home and eat lunch.

Finish the sentences. Then read the second half of the sentence, your partner will try to guess which sentence you are completing.

Second conditional practise

Moral Dilemmas
What would you do if you found your brother or sister’s secret diary?
What would you do if you found £100 on the floor?
What would you do if you had to choose between finding a cure for cancer and preventing world hunger?

What would you do if you witnessed one of your best friends committing a crime?

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


Hello, my name is Florence Sharman. I have been working in IES San Pablo and CEIP Miguel Hernández since October 2016. Carmen has asked me to share some information about myself so you can get to know me a little better!

I am from the South East of England where I live in a small seaside town called Deal. My father (James) is a deputy head teacher and my mother (Alison) is an English teacher. I have two younger sisters (Phoebe and Nancy). Phoebe is 20 years old and is an acting student at Bournemouth Arts University. My youngest sister Nancy is still at school, she is 17 years old.

Before I went to University I lived in China for 6 months where I taught English in a Secondary School. I lived and worked in a city called Hengshui.

I am studying BA English and Spanish at the University of Southampton. When I finish my degree, I will be working for a charity called Teach First as a teacher, their main aim is to stop educational inequality.

In my free time, I enjoy going to the cinema and concerts. I also love to travel. Since I have been living in Spain I have visited Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Ronda, Córdoba, Gibraltar, Lisbon, Granada and more!

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016


Este taller consiste en averiguar los monumentos aparecidos en las fotos, el nombre de dicho monumento (si hace al caso). El país en el que se encuentra, la capital de dicho país, el idioma que se habla y la moneda que utilizan sus habitantes. Para ello os damos pistas, y debéis buscar en vuestro ordenador esa información.

1 Photo number one: This is the best waterfall in the biggest country in South America.
- Son las mejores cataratas en el país más grande de Sudamérica.

2 Photo number two: This is a very strange cathedral, but it is not in Russia. It is in France in a city beginning by N …..
- Es una catedral muy extraña, pero no está en Rusia, sino en una ciudad de Francia que empieza por N....

3 Photo number three: This is the most beloved Christ in Brazil.
Es el Cristo más querido en Brasil.

4 Photo number four: This is a very important monument in the city of Rome. It is dedicated to a very good friend of Augustus, whose name is A.......
Un monumento muy importante en Roma. Está dedicado a un amigo muy importante de Augusto cuyo nombre empieza por A...............

5 Photo number five: Our dear José Mª shows us one of the most well-known monuments of this beautiful city, its name beginning by L.............. We try to learn its language.
- Nuestro querido José Mª nos muestra uno de los monumentos más conocidos de esta maravillosa ciudad. Su nombre empieza por L............... Intentamos aprender su idioma.

6 Photo number six: Now. José Mª is in the love-city, as many people use to name it. Can you tell us which city is this?
Ahora José Mª está en la ciudad del amor, como mucha gente la llama. Puedes decirnos qué ciudad es?

7 Photo number seven: Our dear Eva is in Potiers, watching.........
- Nuestra querida Eva está en Poitiers viendo...............

8 Photo number eight: Our dear Manuel Ceballos loves Miguel Ángel. Can you tell us which sculpture is this and where is it?

- A nuestro querido Manuel Ceballos le encanta Miguel Ángel. ¿Puedes decirnos qué escultura es esta y dónde está?

9 Photo number nine: this is the cathedral of the city which has the most famouus carnival. The most important city of the biggest country in South America.
- La catedral de la ciudad que tiene el carnaval más famoso. La ciudad más importante del mayor país de Sudamérica.

10 Photo number ten: Todos nos acordamos del Jorobado de …...

11 Photo number eleven: Those marvellous ancient sculptures are unique in the world. They are called moai
Esas maravillosas esculturas son únicas en el mundo. Se las llama moai

12 Photo number twelve: El Roque de los Muchachos. Un maravilloso telescopio internacional situado en................

13 Photo number thirteen: What a wonderful city! It is full of joy, channels, museums....................... It is the most important city of the Netherlands.
Que ciudad tan maravillosa! Está llena de alegría, de canales, de museos............... Es la ciudad más importante de los Países Bajos.

14 Photo number fourteen: This is the most famous football stadium in the world. It is in Rio de Janeiro.
El estadio de fútbol más famoso del mundo. En Río de Janeiro.

15 Photo number fifteen: Our dear Manolo Ceballos is in Florencia visiting Santa Maria........
Nuestro querido Manolo Ceballos está en Florencia, viendo Santa María......

16 Photo number sixteen: Our dear Serafín is admiring the Naram-Sin stela, in the most important museum in France, in Paris. This museum is.........
Nuestro querido Serafín admira la estela de Naram-Sin en el museo más importante de Francia, en París. ¿Cuál es?


Los alumnos deben estar en grupos, y al menos debe haber dos ordenadores.
Deben buscar y localizar el monumento, o paisaje en cuestión, la ciudad, país, su capital, idioma que se habla y moneda de curso legal en ese país.

Gana el equipo que más acierte

Fotos I

Foto 1. Cataratas de Iguazú (Brasil).
F. 2. Catedral Ortodoxa de Niza. (Francia).
F. 3. El Corcovado. Río de Janeiro (Brasil)
F. 4. Panteón de Agripa. (Roma)
F. 5. El Támesis y el Puente de Londres al fondo.
F. 6. La Torre Eiffel. París.
F. 7. Parque Futurista Futuroscope, Potiers (Francia)
F. 8.  David de Miguel Ángel. Plaza de la Señoría, Florencia.

Fotos II

F. 9. Catedral de Río de Janeiro.
F. 10. Catedral de Notre Dame, París.
F. 11. Moais en la Isla de Pascua.
F. 12. El Roque de los Muchachos, Gran Canaria
F. 13. Amsterdam
F. 14.  Estadio de Maracaná, Río de Janeiro
F. 15.  Santa María Novella. Florencia.
F. 16. Museo del Louvre, Paris.